
Monday, August 19, 2013

Motivational Monday: Do what you love & Don't be afraid to fail!

Do what you love & Don't be afraid to fail!

Today's Motivational Monday is about me and my lesson I learned over the weekend.

It's hard for me to believe but my prime dance days are 7 years behind me.  So why did I stop doing what I loved 7 years ago you may ask.  The answer is simple.  After years of dancing on a competitive dance team, being on my high school drill team, as well as teaching dance all while being a full time student I got burnt out and began to not love dancing as much as I used to.

So my first year of college I decided to take a break for year...then another year...and then another...and then before I knew it I had a good solid 7 years of no dance in my life.

After 7 years of no dancing I began to realize I was terrified to get back in the dance studio because I wasn't sure I was capable of dancing anymore.  I'm only 25 but in the world of dance I am OLD!  I had no intention of being the "old" lady in the class who couldn't dance like she used to.

But I still missed dance...I would watch 'So You Think You Can Dance' and every Step Up movie to try and fill my void.  It didn't work...

My good friend Shannon was also an ex-dancer and found a dance workshop hosted by Let's Dance Utah in Draper, Utah.  The choreographers looked amazing so we signed up!

Here is the gist of my dance workshop weekend:
-I was one of the oldest dancers...but I had some good friends
-I am not as flexible as I once was
-My 25-year-old body does not recover as fast as my 18-year-old body used to
-Choreography is hard to pick up with you haven't done it for 7 years
-I was sore...very sore
-I loved every minute
-I learned from every dance teacher that you can't be scared to do what you love...just do it!
-I learned that I can do anything I set my mind to

I left bruised and sore but completely satisfied and re-energized!  I'm not going to wait another 7 years to get back into a dance studio.  This is something I love to do and though I am not as good as I once was...that doesn't matter.  Dance is my passion.

Happy Monday!

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