Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tutorial Tuesday: DIY TONER

I'm bringing you another tutorial from the oh so AMAZING Maskcara blog...found Here!
a DIY toner for your hair!  Have you ever gotten your hair done {or do it yourself} only to find it looks a tad bit brassy?!  I have!!!  Well now we have a secret weapon{thanks to the Maskcara blog}.
The Toning Vinegar rinse
2 Cups Vinegar
1/4 teaspoon Purple Food Coloring (I use a neon version cause I want it to be vibrant)
*Or if you are a redhead and want to bring the punch back into your color use red food coloring!
Before using the rinse test it on a small piece of hair and adjust the amount of food coloring depending on how it looks on the strand If you have more brassiness you may need more color or vise versa.
After your conditioning take your rinse and poor it down your hair. Massage it in to evenly distribute. Rinse with water. (While your hair is still wet it might smell a bit like vinegar but once it dries the scent totally disappears)

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