Monday, September 16, 2013

Motivational Monday: Thomas Jefferson Monument-Washington DC

This may sound rhetorical but just in case...Who is Thomas Jefferson?
  • Author of the Declaration of Independence
  • Third President of the United States
  • Founder of the University of Virginia
  • Author of Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom
Just to name a few...

I have to admit that I don't know all the details of his life, or even that many stories about him, but when I visited his monument in Washington DC this weekend I was deeply moved.  Reading his quotes on the walls around him were inspiring truly inspiring.  Now days presidents and politicians have a whole slew of staff members that help them to right their speeches and compose their thoughts.  I think what I liked best about his quotes and others, such as Abraham Lincoln, is that they wrote their own speeches, and spoke their own thoughts. 

Here are a few pictures of the monument.  The pictures don't do it justice but it truly is inspiring to see these monuments and to read the words that they have written. 

My favorite quote is pictured below.

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