
Thursday, July 25, 2013

How To Be Happy

  • Family: Here is a significant key to's family.  We belong to them and they belong to us. Heaven wouldn't be heaven without the one's we love.  Often times
  • Keeping the commandments:  There is a saying that my father uses all the time "You cannot do wrong and feel right".  This has proven to be true in all aspects of my life.  You cannot tell a lie and cheat without feeling heavy and weighed down with guilt.  Following the commandments has proven to be a true source of peace in my life.  When we are peaceful we feel content and happy.
  • Read something inspirational 30 minutes each day:  I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, often referred to as Mormon.  My daily inspiration comes through reading my scriptures {bible, Book of Mormon, etc.}, reading talks available in through our or through our church subscriptions like the Ensign.  I also love to read inspirational blogs like, daily inspirational quote books, or a good book that engages my mind like 'Edenbrook'!  Whatever your daily inspiration make this a priority!  It will lift your spirits and heighten your view.  
  • Work: Now don't get me wrong I love a good vacation as much as the next person.  But have you noticed that after too long of a vacation you feel a little out of sorts and are excited to get back to a 'normal schedule'?  I am this way!  I enjoy structure and, completing a task to the best of my ability,  creating new things, and good ol' manual labor.  My stress reliever is cleaning my house or going for a long run!  Both of these require a good deal of effort/work on my part!  And when I'm done I have a huge sense of accomplishment!  A good quote to remember is "work will win when wishy washy wishing won't"-President Thomas S Monson.  {Try saying that 10 times;)}
  • Worship: Attending church services and activities weekly draws us closer to our Heavenly Father. The central purpose of worship is to continually teach and orient God's children concerning His plan for our happiness.  
  • Service:  So much of the world is plagued by the disease of selfishness.  So often we are concerned with what we want, what our rights are, and what we are entitled to.  Too often we forget to look outwards towards those who are in need!  Everywhere around us someone is fighting the hardest battle of their lives.  The times when I have been the happiest are when I loose myself in the service of others!  You don't have to do anything grand!  Often times we don't even need to go out of our homes to serve others!  Make your husband a great breakfast, clean the house for your parents, do the dishes, etc. etc.  These are all acts of service!  
Live Happy!  Xoxo!

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