Monday, June 24, 2013

What is Living Happy?

Take a moment to really savor these few words...'Live Happy'...Roll them around a little bit...Now what do they mean to you?

To me Living Happy is living with a purpose, making memories, being grateful for what I have, serving others, learning to love more and criticize less,  putting God & family first, living in the moment,  and training myself to view the world in a positive light(this is a daily work in progress)...

I created 'Live Happy' with the goal to create timeless pieces that match the uniqueness of each individual.  My second goal is to spread 'happiness' to others!  Whether it's through a timeless creation, a funny joke, or an inspirational story that is the goal! 

What's your happiness?

Today let's choose to be happy!  

Xoxo, Live Happy!

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