Thursday, June 27, 2013

365 Day Gratitude Project!

"It is not happiness that brings us gratitude. It's gratitude that brings us happiness."- anonymous

I have become enraptured in an enlightening read "A simple act of gratitude". Here is the quick notes version of the tale:

Lawyer has lost everything and feels completely miserable.
He remembers a valuable lesson his grandfather taught him. His grandfather gave him a silver dollar and told him if he sent him a thank you note he would send him another silver dollar.  The lesson: good karma out good karma in.
He decides to send one thank you note each day for 365 days.
This project changes his outlook which changes his life! 

Hence my own 365 day gratitude project! I will be sending one thank you note each day for a year! We always have more to be grateful for than we think! 

Live Happy!


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