Thursday, September 19, 2013

365 Days of Service

today begins my 365 days of service project!

i was listening to a talk the other day about developing inner strength and finding happiness{two things everyone wants}.  the talk was amazing and i'll post a link to it soon.  it talked about looking outward and serving others to develop inner strength.  when we are looking outwards and serving others we are less preoccupied with ourselves and our problems and more concerned with the needs of others.

thus we reap the following benefits:
-more self confident
-grateful for what we have and less occupied with what we don't
-stronger&deeper relationships

in a world that preaches so much about focusing on ourselves, our wants, and our wishes it is easy to get so preoccupied with the world that revolves around us that we actually become depressed and we wallow in self pity and doubt.

this life is too precious, too short, and too magical to waste our days in self absorption instead of living.  i for one have been guilty of becoming to preoccupied with myself, my wants, and my wishes.  so today i am embarking on the 365 days of service project!

here is my plan: serve someone each and every day for a year!

sounds simple enough doesn't it.  here's the secret: it really is that simple!

there are so many ways to serve those around us:

-help someone with a door at a supermarket
-being kind to someone
-making cookies for a neighbor
-visiting the elderly
-making dinner for your family
-etc., etc., etc.,!

happy 365 days of service!

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